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Where the divinity recognizes itself beyond all separation!


The word Namasté is an expression of respect and greeting native to India. It has been used and used for millennia in different traditions and religious practices. Namaste, comes from the Sanskrit done "Namas" means, reverence, worship and "te" means you or you. Another of the generally accepted meanings is, for example, "The divinity in me, salute the divinity in you".

While pronouncing Namaste, the palms are usually brought together in front of the chest, under the chin, under the nose, or over the head. This (like any other gesture) is considered a "gesture" or symbolic position of the hands, "mudra" with a specific meaning and intention, spread in Eastern cultures and religions.

My story and Namasté.

During and throughout my life and more specifically in my spiritual path, I was never a fervent adept and regular to rituals, religious celebrations or formal practices. On the contrary, always with a dose of distrust and rebellion if you will.

Over the years, Namasté was slowly infiltrating my world, with the help of books, yoga practices and meditations.

I remember observing teachers and practitioners of yoga solemnly uttering the word at the beginning or end of spiritual practices or meditations. I must confess that, out of respect and communion with shared practice, always accept and participate in the same salutation almost automatically, no less different and with the same attitude, at the time of making the sign of the cross in the church.

My spiritual path and search continued its course and I was carried through unthinkable moments, experiences and situations infinitely valuable, but the Namasté, remained there, somewhere hidden from my being, as another gesture and practice without much sense and relevance.

The Beauty of a Namasté.

After the great awakening, many things changed, many of the old definitions in me ceased to make sense, others turned out to be totally wrong and too many new experiences in many dimensions helped me to build new definitions to navigate the world. For the first time, with my spiritual eye, I could see far beyond what my physical eyes saw. So many, too many things, more clarity, more beauty, harmony and love everywhere and in all.

With this profound vision, I began to see and feel divinity in everything and everyone, love in everything and all, flowing in a very difficult to explain but extraordinarily beautiful, perfect and radiant.

It was thus, that I remembered the relegated concept of Namasté in a part of my being, "The divinity in me, salute the divinity in you", that beautiful words, full of so much truth, so simple, autuentic and true.

So it is now, these days, finding someone in my path, often with a hug, sometimes with a simple hello, or a smile, Namaste reverberates from my whole being, recognizing the love for everything in my heart as the same love in your heart for everything you love. That is why these are my first words, so that with the same vision, we begin to greet ourselves and recognize ourselves as a single LOVE flowing through thousands of bodies and hearts that seem to be separate, but which are actually one in LOVE !.

The next time you see me or I write it somewhere, you will know the depth and beauty of my Namaste!

Namaste Dear Brother!

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